Dress Code Update

June 12, 2024 9:05 am
posted by Brycie Strother

dress-code-violation Dress Code Update

DCS Montessori follows DCSD Dress Code policy in their Code of Conduct (which you’ll find on this page)

*Additionally, DCS Montessori conveys the following clarity, regarding Student Dress Expectations:

Acceptable appearance reflecting good taste and judgment is the key to determining what children should wear to school. For health and safety reasons, shoes are to be worn at all times.

The following are NOT permitted at school:
· Hats or bandanas (Not allowed in Lower School)
· Sunglasses (not permitted inside the building)
· Clothing, jewelry, or any item carried by or worn by students supporting the use or endorsement of liquor, violence, tobacco, or drugs
· Apparel that interferes with or distracts from student learning, and/or endangers the student while he/she is participating in classroom or other school-sponsored activities, is not permitted.

Students are strongly discouraged from wearing:

  • Clothing which reveal undergarments (such as loose fitting or shredded/punctured pants which expose undergarments, or tops with thin straps that show bra straps)
  • Flip-flops or sandals as we see a number of injuries caused by them annually. [These types of footwear are not designed for running, jumping, dancing in music, playground surfaces, nor activities in Physical Education (PE)]

The decision as to the safety or unsuitability of the clothing is at the discretion of the teacher, administrator or other staff, with appeal to the Head of School, as necessary. We strongly encourage students to wear shoes that will allow safe movement in the gym and while on the playground as well. Students enjoy running and climbing during recess.

Our Colorado weather does not ensure that afternoons will be as warm as mornings. Students should come to school prepared to go outside, even in inclement weather. A pair of shoes should be sent with your child on days he/she comes to school in boots.

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