
August 24, 2020 4:05 pm
posted by Brycie Strother

Hybrid Learner Attendance

attendance-300x150 Attendance

100% Remote Learner Attendance


Primary Student In-Person Learner Attendance

  • Teachers will take attendance each day


All In-Person Students:

Attendance Information for In-Person Learners

  1. Students who come to school will be marked as Present.
  2. Students opting for Remote Learning on Choice Wednesdays will be marked Present when they sign in AND are completing Teacher directed class work.
  3. Students who have opted for In-Person Learning but are quarantined or absent due to COVID-19 related issues or concerns which have been communicated to may sign-in and be Present as Remote Learners until they are permitted return to In-Person Learning.
  4. Students who have opted for In-Person Learning but who are ABSENT due to a non-COVID-19 related issue or concern, may sign-in for At Home Learning, which will be an Excused Absence.


Email Attendance or call 720-531-3313


All Students:  Attendance Questions?

Email Attendance or call 720-531-3313


Attendance Policy

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