
Colorado Open Meetings Summary

DCS Montessori Bylaws (Revised 2023)

Full Board Policies (as of July 2024)

Public Comment at Board of Directors Meetings

Concerns and Grievance Process (School Related)

Grievance Form

Colorado Department of Education (CDE)

DCS Montessori is a public charter school and therefore follows the guidelines and policies of the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). Click on the link below to access more information on the CDE.

Colorado League of Charter Schools (CLCS)
DCS Montessori is a member of the non-profit CLCS which supports high standards for students and families of Colorado Charter Schools. Click on the link below to access more information on the CLCS.
Douglas County School District (DCSD)
DCS Montessori is an accredited public charter school, located in and authorized by the DCSD. Click on the link below to access more information on the DCSD.
International Montessori Council (IMC)
DCS Montessori is currently a member of the IMC. Click on this link to access more information on the IMC. The International Montessori Council | Montessori Foundation | MFA | IMC

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