
DCS Montessori is the Standard of Excellence in Montessori Education
DCS Montessori is committed to preparing students for the journey ahead, equipping them to meet life’s challenges with a spirit of exploration, self-discovery, independence, and delight.

Montessori education is based on the psychological characteristics and needs of the ever-developing child. Recognizing the learning styles of children from preschool through middle school, our curriculum is designed to meet our students at every stage of development.dcs-montessori-2010-278-199x300 Welcome

We adhere to the “Follow the Child” concept, where instruction is provided following the child’s developmental abilities. Children are instructed in large and small group lessons, as well as individual lessons, but the emphasis is an individually paced education. Independence is fostered through an environment where student choice and control is respected, where students have freedoms with responsibility. There is a focus on cooperative learning, as children learn from their peers, growing self-confidence, and social skills. Montessori materials are designed to address the specific learning styles, and to provide error control in order for students to learn from their own mistakes rather than only at the directive of a teacher; this explains the concept of Montessori teachers being more guides than teachers.

Our school limits student transitions and increases teacher-student learning time through a three year, multi-age, span in each class. Our Primary classrooms include 3, 4, and 5-year-olds (Preschoolers and Kindergarten students); Lower Elementary classrooms include 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade students; Upper Elementary classrooms include 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students; and Middle School consists of 7th and 8th grades.

All lead teachers at our school are certified in Montessori education and highly qualified by NCLB standards. Each of our classrooms has one or two assistants to further support our teachers and children. Therefore, we provide classrooms with a small adult to child ratio: 10 to 1 for Primary and 15 to 1 for the Lower and Upper elementary students.

DCS Montessori is also proud to offer great science learning facilities: 4+ acres of natural area, known as our outdoor classroom (for environmental studies) and a fully equipped science lab for student-driven scientific investigations. Our curriculum provides a very broad scope of learning, including global geographical and cultural studies. Our school also provides a full assortment of “Specials” including Physical Education, Music, Art, Library and Technology instruction. We are proud of our school and invite you to a facility tour to see it in person. You will get to witness the Montessori method in action and learn more about this unique approach to learning.

Thank you for visiting the DCS Montessori website. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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