Way to Go
Way to Go Carpooling
Okay, when we say “carpool” we don’t mean a car in a pool!
But if you need help getting your kids to and from school, Way to Go can help you get started with Schoolpool for FREE. Their secure system will connect you with families in your neighborhood to share in the responsibilities of getting the kids to school and back via carpooling, walking, biking or riding RTD together. Thousands of other families are already connected…what are you waiting for? Just try it! You’ll gain support and a sense of community and get some much-needed help in return.
Our school will be sending the list of all families (except those who opt-out) to Way to Go late in spring or early each summer. For more information email Way to Go at waytogo@drcog.org. You will need our school’s code which parents can get by contacting us at admin@dcsmontessori.org.