Bullying, Behavior & Conflict

When students bring their problems to adults.

…we say “Oh my goodness, what did YOU do about that?” (Making sure they take ownership for attempting a resolution)

…we are teaching our students and helping them to do the following, in this order

Talk – Did the student talk with the person they are having a problem with? Did they express their feelings? Did they talk to an adult about the issue?

Walk – If the issue escalates, and they have tried to TALK, we encourage the student to walk away in order to deescalate or to get help.

Squawk – If the problem is still not resolved, students need to find an adult or authority figure to help support problem resolution.

Based on the work of Jim Fay, Love and Logic co-founder

…we also teach them…

Good communication for Good friends

  • Eye Contact

  • Body Language

  • Facial Expressions

  • Listening

  • Using the right words

Solving problems with friends


  1. Stay Calm

  2. Use “I” statements, not “You” statements

  3. Listen

  4. Compromise

Sources of Strength Pie Chart

Sources of strength

As students age up, they will be asked to participate in Sources of Strength which is DCS Montessori’s universal intervention program. The mission of Sources of Strength is to provide the highest quality evidence-based prevention for suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse by training, supporting, and empowering both peer leaders and caring adults to impact their world through the power of connection, hope, help and strength.