
View active School Closure or Delay information at the top of the District Home Page:  We are in the Highlands Ranch Area

School Closures and Delays due to weather

Because of Colorado’s unpredictable weather, the District has adopted storm emergency procedures.  DCS Montessori has chosen to follow the District weather procedures.  School closures and delays are announced over most local radio and television stations, on the district website and the district hotline.  Note: we are NOT “Castle Rock Montessori.”

The Weather Hotline number:    303-387-7669 (SNOW)

Delayed Start

If a “Delayed Start” is announced, at our main campus, we will begin school at 10:00am and arrival will begin at 9:35am.  At the Middle School campus, school begins at 9:40am, and students can arrive at school starting at 9:30am.  Parents are encouraged to make emergency plans with their children in the event of a modified starting or ending time.  Before school care will begin at 8:30am. Only students who are enrolled in our Before and After Care programs may use these programs.  Even though the District might announce that morning Kindergarten and Preschool are cancelled on these Delayed Start days, OUR programs ARE IN SESSION, but on a 90 minute delay.  Dismissal times will remain the same as on normal days.

School Closure

When a school closure is announced, school is closed for the day.   After Care, after school events, After School Programs, sporting events and field trips are also canceled.

Early Dismissal

It is rare that school is released early.  This would be due to an emergency situation or severe weather.  Early dismissal information will be posted on the District School Closure site.  We will attempt to contact parents via email and robo-calls; however, the messenger system cannot always handle the volume of these calls.

After School Activity Cancellation

Any time The District cancels After School Activities in our area including BASE; our After School Care, sporting events, field trips and our After School Programs will also be cancelled.

Is your Contact Information Up-To-Date?

It is always a good idea to make sure we have up-to-date phone numbers for you.  And should we need to cancel school early, we would use our automated system to call you – this would be a “High Priority” call.  Please make sure you have chosen the correct numbers for us to call in this case.  To do this, go to the Campus Portal and sign in.  On the left column, click “Contact Preferences” and make your selections.

Arrival during inclement weather

As you know our staff often opens your vehicle doors to help your children exit in the morning and enter your car in the afternoon.  We ask that you make sure to pull up close to the vehicle in front of you AND pull up close to the curb.  If you are too far from the curb, we may not be able to safely reach your car door handle to help your children.

Dismissal during inclement weather

Dismissal may be halted if there is any visible lightning.

Student attire 

Our Colorado weather does not ensure that afternoons will be as warm as mornings.  Students should come to school prepared to go out to recess, even in inclement weather.  A pair of shoes should be sent with your child on days he/she comes to school in snow boots.