Tours (In-Person, Group Tours)
DCS Montessori tours are a great opportunity to observe all of our environments, with the exception of the Middle School campus, and take part in in-depth discussions of our educational philosophy. Bring a notepad, bring your questions, and we’ll bring our enthusiasm for our school and for Montessori Education!
Main Campus Tour
Main Campus (Preschool-6th grade) tours begin at 9:00am at our Main Campus (311 Castle Pines Parkway). Tours will end between 10:00 and 10:30am and are for adults only (no children). Please add a contact phone number in the “my comment” box. If you are unable to attend the tour you have signed up for please cancel via the sign-up. This is a courtesy so that others may attend in your place. We look forward to meeting you!
Middle School (7th & 8th grade) Tours begin at 9:45am at our Main Campus (311 Castle Pines Parkway). You will spend about 20 minutes at the Main Campus before walking to our Middle School (one block away). Tours will end between 10:45 and 11:15am. Please select the number of people who will attend and add a contact phone number in the “my comment” box. If you are unable to attend the tour you have signed up for please cancel via the sign-up. This is a courtesy so that others may attend in your place. We look forward to meeting you!
Middle School Tour Notes:
If your 6th grader is NOT presently enrolled at our school, feel free to bring them with you. Please do not bring other children.
If your student IS presently enrolled at DCS Montessori, they will tour with their peers in November, so plan to tour without them.
Click here to tour our Middle School
Video Tours