What is the Campus Portal?
Campus Portal (also referred to as the Parent Portal) is our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information: class schedule, assignments, attendance, discipline, fees owed and paid, course registrations for next year, report cards and transcripts.
Campus Portal is a means to further promote educational excellence by enhancing our program of communication with parents and students.
Who is eligible to have a Campus Portal account?
Parents and legal guardians of current students are eligible to activate a Campus Portal account, after agreeing to the terms and conditions of use. Contact our school’s Portal Manager at admin@dcsmontessori.org to receive your activation code.
How much does the Campus Portal cost?
Nothing. It is a free service to parents, and actually saves the district money by reducing paperwork and labor costs.
Can I access Campus Portal from my smartphone?
Absolutely! A native Campus Portal app is available for both Android and iOS (Apple) devices. Simply search the app store on your smart phone for Infinite Campus. Please review the details to determine if your device meets the app requirements. Also note, we are unable to assist with troubleshooting application issues on your device.
Our District Code is QKKYJL
Troubleshooting? Verify that your username and password work correctly for the Campus Portal via a web browser on a computer first, then contact us at admin@dcsmontessori.org
Can I update my information online?
Yes! Please see these Self Service Instructions below – it’s easy to let us know about your changes: Campus Portal Self Service Instructions for Parents