Middle School Info
“Teenagers who stay in more nurturing settings where they encounter less departmentalization, fewer teachers, and smaller groups experience higher achievement, attendance, and self-confidence than those who enter large impersonal departmentalized secondary schools.” Linda Darling-Hammond, The Right to Learn: A Blueprint for Creating Schools That Work
Middle School Information Night – We hold an Information Night for Parents and Students in the Fall – typically in November. Please email admin@dcsmontessori.org for details.
Middle School Trips – Our Middle Schoolers take two trips annually, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. These trips are part of their curriculum. Please click on “Middle School Fees” below for further details about the trips and the costs involved.
Middle School Fees < click here for details
Middle School Hours
8:10 am – 3:40 pm
Drop off begins at 7:55 am, students are tardy at or after 8:10 am
Delayed Start: School will begin at 9:40 am, dismissal will remain the same at 3:40 pm
Middle School Health Forms
Middle School Medication Forms – all three forms are required if a student will be taking prescription medication at school and is responsible enough to carry and administer their own prescription medication. Middle School Students are allowed to carry only one day’s dose of over-the-counter medication (not a full bottle) in an appropriately labeled container (i.e. Tylenol in a Tylenol bottle) – no paperwork required.