
Click here for Arrival & Dismissal Charts

Dismissal – Preschool (11:30am – 11:45am)

  • Follow the Yellow “E” line around our parking lot to the southwest doors. You’ll stay to your right and hug the curb near the school. Stop at the Yellow “E Stop” painted on the driveway (near our Southeast doors), and wait to be scanned and directed forward by a staff member.

  • Have your QR Code ready to hand to our staff member (you’ll receive these prior to your first day of school).

  • Have student Name Cards visible in your front or passenger side window.

  • We must have written permission for adults other than parents/legal guardians to pick up Preschool students. If you haven’t given a QR Code the adult picking up, they will need to walk into the school, show their photo ID, in order to pick up your child.

  • Pickup begins at 11:30 and ends at 11:45

  • The staff will bring your child to your car and will help them into your vehicle.

  • As soon as your child is in the vehicle, please pull forward to allow your child to fasten their seat belt. Our staff is not permitted to buckle children into their car seats. Pulling forward allows us to assist other parents more quickly.

  • Do you walk to school or to the building to pick up your child? In order to keep our dismissal orderly and safe, we have established these procedures:

  • If you drive to school, ensure you are parked in a legal parking space and are not blocking any others in our lot. Do not park in Fire Lanes, do not double-park.

  • Bring your QR Code and, and photo ID to the office and sign your child out.

  • You will wait in the lobby and once the dismissal process has begun, your child will be escorted to the lobby by a staff member.

Dismissal – Primary And Elementary (3:20pm – 3:40pm)
Preschoolers in Extended Day Care and Kindergarteners

  • Primary parents follow the blue “P” Line all the way to the Stop sign (on your left) with the blue “P Stop” painted on the driveway. You will be directed forward to the Southwest doors when space is available.

  • Remain stopped at the stop sign until directed by a staff member to pull forward at 3:20am.

  • Have your QR Code ready to hand to our staff member (you’ll receive these prior to your first day of school).

  • Have student Name Cards visible in your front or passenger side window.

  • You will continue to be directed forward to the Southwest doors when space is available.

  • Remain in your car, the primary staff will scan your QR Code, and will help your child out of the car and direct them into the building.

  • We must have written permission for adults other than parents/legal guardians to pick up Preschool students. If you haven’t obtained a barcode for this other adult, they will need to walk into the school, show their photo ID, in order to pick up your child.

  • As soon as your child is in the vehicle, please pull forward to allow them to fasten their seat belt. Our staff is not permitted to buckle children into their car seats. Pulling forward allows us to assist other parents more quickly.

  • If you have a preschool or Kindergarten student, please follow this pick up procedure for all children in your vehicle, regardless of their age. Older children will be waiting for you near their younger siblings. Even if your younger child is not at school on a particular day, follow the same process.

Elementary – 1st-6th Graders

  • Elementary parents follow the Yellow “E” line around our parking lot to the southwest doors. You’ll stay to your right and hug the curb near the school. Stop at the Yellow “E Stop” painted on the driveway (near our Southeast doors).

  • NEW AND REQUIRED: Have your QR Code ready to hand to our staff member (you’ll receive these on or prior to your first day of school).

  • REQUIRED: Display your name card so it is visible through your front windshield or passenger side window. Adults in cars without visible name cards may be asked to park and come to the front office to pick up their children.

  • Students will remain in the building. A staff member will read your name cards and page your child(ren). Students will exit the building as they are paged and will enter your vehicle.

  • Possession of a child’s name card constitutes your permission to pick up your child. If you have given written permission for another adult to pick up your child, but did not give them a name card, they must come into the office with their photo ID to pick up your child.

  • After picking up your child, please wait for the line to move forward and exit the parking lot.

Early Pick Up / Early Dismissal

If you need to pick up a child early from school you will come into the office and sign the student out. We cannot call ahead to dismiss students, so please plan ahead and arrive early enough to pick up your child. As a matter of courtesy, you should leave a voicemail for their teacher.

If you are picking up your child early, you MUST do so before 11:00 AM for preschool and 3:00 PM for elementary. After this time, we cannot dismiss students until their regular dismissal time.

For grades K – 8th: Habitual Early Leave, more than 10 in a school year, may result in disciplinary action, as this provides a consistent interruption to our classroom environments, limiting our ability to be successful with all of our students. If a student has 10 or more Early Leaves in a school year, they will miss 10 minutes of recess on the following day. Tardy and Early Leave absences will be combined for these calculations. Early Leave follows the same policy as absences for excused vs. unexcused.

Late Pickup Fees

There is a $1.00 per student fee for each minute a student is left at the school after 11:45 (for Preschoolers); after 3:45 (for Kindergarteners through 6th graders). This fee is charged REGARDLESS of the reason for late pick up. We will call parents first, then emergency contacts if necessary. If a child is not picked up within 1 hour after dismissal time we are required to call the Sheriff’s Department.

Leaving Our Campus – 1st – 6th Grade Elementary Students – (at 3:35pm)

If your child is walking, riding their bike, or by any other means leaving our parking area on their own, we must have permission from you to allow them to do so. This includes leaving our parking area to meet your car elsewhere. This permission will be on file unless/until you rescind it. You’ll need to fill out the form prior to 11:00am in order for it to be active that afternoon. Permission to Leave Campus After School

Dismissal – Middle School Students (3:40pm – 3:50pm)

Students are dismissed at 3:40, please pick them up between 3:40 and 3:50pm.  Middle school students may leave campus on their own after 3:40 – no parental permission is needed.