
Report an absence by calling or emailing:
Attendance Line / Voicemail: 720-531-3313
Attendance Email DCS Montessori Charter School
Attendance Policy
Our school maintains attendance on The District attendance database. This constitutes a legal register of attendance. When your child is absent for any reason, call the attendance line at 720-531-3313 or Email DCS Montessori Charter School within 24 hours of your child’s absence. Our attendance line is a voice messaging system; you may call or email us at any time of the day or night to leave us a message. If you don’t call or email us, an automated message will be sent to you on the day your child is absent. You select the method of our notice by clicking “Change Contact Info” in the left column on the Campus Portal. You then have 24 hours to contact us.
Please note that Colorado State Law limits absences to less than 4 unexcused absences in one month and less than 10 unexcused absences per school year. Simply calling the school does not excuse an absence. Disciplinary actions and illnesses are considered excused absences. Please take this into account when planning family vacations during the school year, as they are unexcused absences. Excessive absences, exceeding Colorado State Law, limits our students’ ability to be successful and therefore may result in disciplinary action.
If your child is missing school for a doctor or dental appointment, or because they are ill, the absence will be excused. Please provide documentation for medical / dental appointments.
Students must attend at least 50% of the school day in order to participate in after school events that day, including, but not limited to: After School Programs, After School Child Care, Dance Team practices/performances, Middle School sports, concert performances and plays.
Tardy Policy
Your child will be considered Tardy if they arrive at school after school begins – 8:10am for Middle School students; 8:30 am for all other students. At the Elementary level (grades K – 6th) students may miss 5 minutes of recess on days when they are [unexcused] tardy. Habitual Tardiness, more than 10 in a school year, may result in disciplinary action, as this provides a consistent interruption to our classroom environments, limiting our ability to be successful with all of our students. If a student has 10 or more tardies in a school year, they may miss 10 minutes of recess on days when they are tardy. Tardy and Early Leave absences will be combined for these calculations. Tardies follow the same policy as absences for excused vs. unexcused.
If we decide to delay taking attendance due to inclement weather, we will post this information on our outdoor lighted sign.